Source code for finance.src.schedule_jobs

Module that schedules jobs in the CI/CD pipeline use to update the database

This module contains Methods and classes that can be reused over all the
different jobs in the CI/CD pipeline

import os
import sys

    0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", ".."))

import sqlalchemy
import yfinance as yf
from sqlalchemy import asc, func, select
from src.postgres_interface import PostgresInterface
from src.utils import custom_logger

from finance.src.yahoo_ticker import Ticker

[docs]class ScheduleJobs: """ Class that schedules jobs in the CI/CD pipeline use for updating the database and extracting data from yfinance """ def __init__( self, provider: str, table_name: str, frequency: str = "annual", batch_size: int = 500, ): """ Parameters ---------- provider : str provider of the data As of now, only "LOCAL" and "NEON" are supported batch_size : int size of the batch to insert into the database for each table default: 500 """ self.logger = custom_logger(logger_name="schedule_jobs") self.batch_size = batch_size self.provider = provider self.table_name = table_name self.frequency = frequency self.postgres_interface = PostgresInterface() # create engines to connect to the databases self.engine = self.postgres_interface.create_engine()
[docs] def tickers_to_query( self, table_name: str, engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, frequency: str = "annual", ) -> list: """ TODO: make this docs better TODO: make the query better Method to get a batch of tickers from valid_tickers table that have not been inserted into other main tables (financials, balance_sheet, cashflow, etc.). Parameters ---------- table_name : str name of the table to get the tickers from engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine engine to connect to the database, defines if it is local or neon frequency : str frequency of the data (either annual or quarterly) The query is equivalent to (for cahsflow table): select valid_tickers.ticker, valid_tickers.cashflow_annual_available, subquery.max_insert_date from stocks.valid_tickers left join ( select cashflow.ticker, max(cashflow.insert_date) as max_insert_date from stocks.cashflow group by cashflow.ticker ) as subquery on valid_tickers.ticker = subquery.ticker where valid_tickers.cashflow_annual_available order by subquery.max_insert_date asc Returns ------- list list of tickers """ valid_tickers_table = self.postgres_interface.create_table_object( "valid_tickers", engine ) table = self.postgres_interface.create_table_object(table_name, engine) # this is the column that will be used to check if the ticker is available availablility_column = getattr( valid_tickers_table.c, f"{table_name}_{frequency}_available" ) subquery = ( select( table.c.ticker, func.max(table.c.insert_date).label("max_insert_date"), ) .group_by(table.c.ticker) .alias() ) query = ( select(valid_tickers_table.c.ticker, availablility_column) .join( subquery, valid_tickers_table.c.ticker == subquery.c.ticker, isouter=True, ) .order_by(asc(subquery.c.max_insert_date)) .where(availablility_column) ) with engine.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(query).fetchmany(self.batch_size) return [result[0] for result in result]
[docs] def update_validy_in_valid_tickers_table( self, ticker: list, validity: bool = False ): """ Method that gets a list of tickers and updates their validity in the valid_tickers table """ valid_tickers_table = self.postgres_interface.create_table_object( "valid_tickers", self.engine ) query = ( valid_tickers_table.update() .where(valid_tickers_table.c.ticker.in_(ticker)) .values(validity=validity) ) with self.engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute(query)
[docs] def get_tickers_batch_yf_object(self, tickers_list: list) -> list[yf.Ticker]: """ Method to get a batch of yfinance tickers from a list of tickers Parameters ---------- tickers : list list of tickers to get the yfinance tickers from """ return [yf.Ticker(ticker) for ticker in tickers_list]
[docs] def run_pipeline(self): """ Main method that each of the jobs in the CI/CD pipeline will run It includes steps like: - getting a batch of tickers to update from valid_tickers table - extracting data from yfinance for each ticker - inserting the data into the database - updating the validity of the tickers in valid_tickers table """ f"""Running pipeline for {self.table_name} with {self.provider} provider and {self.frequency} frequency""" ) # getting a list[str] of old tickers with batch_size tickers_list = self.tickers_to_query( table_name=self.table_name, engine=self.engine, frequency=self.frequency ) tickers_list = [x for x in tickers_list if x is not None] # getting a list[yf.Ticker] of old tickers with batch_size tickers_yf_batch = self.get_tickers_batch_yf_object(tickers_list=tickers_list) ticker_interface = Ticker(frequency=self.frequency) table_columns = ticker_interface.get_columns_names(table_name=self.table_name) records = [] invalid_tickers = [] for ticker_yf_obj in tickers_yf_batch: record = ticker_interface.extract_tickers_data( ticker=ticker_yf_obj, table_name=self.table_name, table_columns=table_columns, ) if record is not None: records.append(record) self.logger.warning( f"record: {record} has been added to records, records length: {len(records)}" ) else: invalid_tickers.append(ticker_yf_obj.ticker) self.logger.warning( f"""ticker: {ticker_yf_obj.ticker} has been added to invalid_tickers, invalid_tickers length: {len(invalid_tickers)}""" ) # Update availability status in valid_tickers table ticker_interface.update_validity_status( table_name=self.table_name, tickers=invalid_tickers, availability=False, ) # convert list[list[dict]] to list[dict] flattened_records = [item for sublist in records for item in sublist] # flush records to the database ticker_interface.flush_records( table_name=self.table_name, records=flattened_records, )